2021 Youth Theme "A Great Work" Doctrine & Covenants 64:33-34: Young Women Binder's Essentials Packet

$ 4.00



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Get ready for 2021 with our Binder Essentials! 


2021 Youth Theme     2021 Youth Theme


Included in this packet:

  • Editable Binder Covers and spine inserts - includes 4 colors for the covers 
  • 12 Month Calendar that is editable in free Adobe Reader
  • 12 Month Calendar at a glance a quick glance page of all 12 months
  • 2021 Teaching Schedule Page - Includes 2 pages: January-June and July-December
  • 2021 Weekly Reading Schedule This page has the Doctrine and Covenants reading schedule that follows what they need to be reading at home. We have been asked to remind our classes each week what they need to read for the following week!
  • 2021 Weekly Reading Schedule Bookmark This bookmark has the Doctrine and Covenants reading schedule in a more compact form for the young women to carry in their scriptures or hang on their bulletin boards at home.
  • 3 Blank Notes Pages

2021 Youth Theme            2021 Youth Theme

2021 Youth Theme     2021 Youth Theme

2021 Youth Theme   2021 Youth Theme





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