Home & Family



2025 Doctrine and Covenants









Subscribers: Click on the images below to download what you need each week.

If you're not a member, our Family Lesson Packets are available to purchase in OUR STORE or scroll down to learn more about The Family Subscription plan!



Come, Follow Me Family Lesson Packets www.LovePrayTeach.com


New Testament Study Guides for Teens and Adults www.LovePrayTeach.com

Doctrine and Covenants Interactive Timeline Journal for children 8 and up! www.LovePrayTeach.com

Home Centered Singing Time www.LovePrayTeach.com Come, Follow Me coloring pages for 2023 New Testament www.LovePrayTeach.com


Additional Materials for your Family:
Click the images below

April 2025 General Conference activity packet for families

Free Easter printables-banner, Holy Week booklet, 40 Days to Easter, and a He is Risen coloring poster! www.LovePrayTeach.com






Our Home & Family Subscription Plan Includes:

1. Weekly Lesson Plan

In our Family Weekly Lesson Packets, we include 4 devotionals that follow along with the Come, Follow Me manual from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

The first devotional includes a longer lesson that will take about 30-60 minutes. The other 3 devotionals include 10-15 minute lessons. 

As a family, you can choose the day you'd like the longer lesson. Then choose to have the devotionals in the morning or evening.

Included in the lesson plan are learning activities, cut and color activities, object lessons, family games, links to videos, question cards, links to helpful articles in the Friend magazine, etc. We give suggestions for older and younger children so you can use what works best for your family.

Also included is our popular QUICK STUDY page! This page contains a scripture illustration on one side and 3 "quick study" and discussion ideas on the other. Place these on your table or another convenient spot for those days when you need a quick spiritual lesson.

SHARE CARDS This simple image will include a quote or scripture each week that you can easily share with others. Send it in a text to start a conversation or post it to your social media. As our families have grown and many of us here at Love Pray Teach have adult children now, we realized we needed something that we could share to continue including them in our family Come, Follow Me scripture studies.


2. Come Follow Me Study Guides for Adults and Teens

We have collaborated with Cali Black from Come Follow Me Study to bring you her "Big Picture/Little Picture Study Guides" for adults and teens! Each week, you will be given the information you need to study and understand the scriptures, along with important questions to help you learn. These guides will prepare you to teach your families and/or classes. They're also perfect for older teens.


3. Doctrine and Covenants Interactive Timeline Journals

Your children are going to have so much fun with these interactive journals! These are designed for children who can read and write on their own. Each month, we will release one page for each month. Each timeline page will help your children dive into the scriptures and learn to apply the principles into their own lives, while making it fun and engaging!


4. Come, Follow Me Coloring Pages for Children

Each month, we offer 5 additional coloring pages that correspond with the scriptures you'll be studying that month. These are designed for younger children that cannot read yet, but are fun for everyone! Use them during your study time, throw them in your Sunday bag for your little ones to color during Sacrament meeting, or use them in your Primary classes!


5. Home Centered Singing Time Packets

Our song packets contain images and phrases, along with simple games, to help your children learn the Primary songs. We started offering these packets during the pandemic and they were so popular, members wanted us to keep doing them! They contain your favorite Primary song packets, but smaller so they work for families. Put them in a binder and use them over and over! (We will not be adding new songs in 2025 but will keep the entire list up of the 63 song packets we currently have available.)



Our goal is to make it easier for you to teach your family. Let us do the hard work and you can focus on teaching your children, not spending hours coming up with activities, coloring pages, or object lessons on your own. 

Maybe you have daily devotionals during breakfast or at the dinner table—whatever works best for your family! We have seen the miracle of Come, Follow Me in our own homes and we know each of you can be successful.






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