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This packet is for teachers and parents for the December 19th Youth Sunday School lesson. It includes:
December 6–12 The Articles of Faith and Official Declarations 1 and 2 “We Believe”
December 13–19 The Family: A Proclamation to the World “The Family Is Central to the Creator’s Plan”
PLUS Christmas handouts!
The following items to print or show on your tablet/laptop to help you teach your lesson:
- Visual aids with questions to have group activities and class discussions. No preparation needed!
- Posters and handouts with object lesson idea
- Scripture journal prompts or discussion idea
- Activity ideas and object lessons to keep your youth engaged!
- Christmas handouts you can use with treats since this will be your last lesson of 2021!
Each Youth Sunday School packet includes all the weeks leading up to the first and third Sundays. The weeks are separate so you can choose which ideas to use. Please use the activities that work best for you in your own circumstances. You may not be able to use all of the graphics and activities and that’s okay! If you’re not meeting in person for 2nd hour yet, many of the activity ideas and handouts can be texted or e-mailed to your class members.
Please add [email protected] to your email contacts. You will receive 2 emails once you have finished your purchase. The first one will be a receipt, the second email will contain your download link. Please email i[email protected] if you have any problems getting your link.
(We are having issues with Comcast and Hotmail emails being undeliverable. If you have a Comcast or Hotmail email, please use a different email or follow the instructions above to create a free account to download instantly. You must be logged in BEFORE ordering to download instantly.)
THIS IS INCLUDED WITH OUR "THE CALLING PLAN" MEMBERSHIP already - no need to purchase if you have a subscription. Save money and become a member! Click here for more info.