Please SIGN UP FOR A FREE MEMBERSHIP to download your order instantly. Make sure you are logged in when you order. Then click on "My Account" in the toolbar and click on "My Orders." You will be able to download your recent purchases from there. You will also be sent an email with your download, but unfortunately these emails are filtered out by many email service providers or end up in the spam folder.
This listing is for the PRIMARY EXTRAS
This packet includes all those little "extras" that you may need throughout the year!
- Opening Exercises Assignment wristbands and cards
- Editable Classroom Door Signs - includes full 8.5x11 page and 2 on a page. Also includes a smaller version that lists the children's year of birth instead of their names.
- Editable Classroom Chair Cards to put on back of chairs so the children know which row to sit on
- Opening Exersizes Chair Cards to put on front of chairs for the children to sit in that have the talk, scripture, Article of Faith, and prayer
- Baptism program cover - editable
- Baptism Gifts - I am a Child of God stickers, "Chews" the right baggie topper, and a editable baptism certificate
- Birthday treat tags, cards, and baggie topper
- Birthday pencil or straw topper for a non-treat gift
- 3 Editable Newsletters
- Primary Program bulletin covers - editable
- Spotlight Cards - options for younger and older children
- Teacher/substitute thank you cards and pen gift tag
- We Miss You cards
(Every year, we get many people asking us if we will make these packets into different languages. We will are working on Spanish and Portuguese files, but those are the only languages we will be able to offer. These packets take us months to create and it's not easy to change the language. We wish we could accommodate everyone as I know these would be very much appreciated in Primaries around the world. If you do find something similar in another language, please let us know so we can share it with others who are looking.)
COPYRIGHT INFORMATION: You are only allowed to share your purchased files with members of your own Primary Presidency. Please do not share between Wards or Stakes without prior written approval from us.
Please add [email protected] to your email contacts. You will receive 2 emails once you have finished your purchase. The first one will be a receipt, the second email will contain your download link. Please email i[email protected] if you have any problems getting your link.
(We are having issues with Comcast and Hotmail emails being undeliverable. If you have a Comcast or Hotmail email, please use a different email or follow the instructions above to create a free account to download instantly. You must be logged in BEFORE ordering to download instantly.)
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