Singing Time Packet includes:
- Lesson Idea
- 1st Verse Word Strips
- 1st Verse Key Word Visuals
- 2nd Verse Wordstrips
- 2nd Verse Teaching Idea
- Copycat Puppets
- Review Ideas
- All Helps available in Black and White
Our Singing Time packets not only include printables but additional ideas and methods to help you teach the song.
All lesson packets are designed and planned using the guidelines found under Our Singing Time packets not only include printables but additional ideas and methods to help you teach the song.
All lesson packets are designed and planned using the guidelines found under "Instructions For Singing Time and Children's Sacrament Meeting Presentation."
Please add [email protected] to your email contacts. You will receive 2 emails once you have finished your purchase. The first one will be a receipt, the second email will contain your download link. Please email megan@loveprayteach if you have any problems getting your link.