Instant Download
NEW! Now you can choose the General Conference talk you're going to teach, and have pretty printables to go along with your lesson! Our Lesson Kits includes blank templates for you to add your own quotes and scriptures! We will be adding new designs each month!
Our Eucalyptus Packet contains matching JPG designs for:
- Two 8.5"x11" posters
- One Half Page design that can be used for journal pages or quotes
- Two Quarter Page designs that can be used for handouts or scripture cards
- NEW: We are now starting to add sign-up sheets to the kits! Add your information to the top of the page and you're ready to send your sign-up sheet around the room!
Also includes editing instructions for Google Slides and Microsoft Word

Please add [email protected] to your email contacts. You will receive 2 emails once you have finished your purchase. The first one will be receipt, the second email will contain your download link. Please email us if you have any problems getting your link. (We are having trouble with Comcast emails. Comcast will NOT deliver your order. Please use a different email address or follow the instructions below to download instantly)
Sign up for a free membership and get instant access! Make sure you are logged into your account before you order, then click on "My Account" in the toolbar. Click on "My Orders" and you will see all of your recent purchases and can download instantly!
THIS IS INCLUDED IN THE RELIEF SOCIETY SUBSCRIPTION already - no need to purchase if you have a subscription. Save money and become a member! Click here for more info.