Instant download for non-subscribers
This Lesson Includes:
- Color, Cut, and Glue Testimony Activity
- Gift Box and Jesus Cutout
- Link and explanation to Links for New Book of Mormon Videos!
- Listening to the Holy Ghost Tracking Sheet
- Monthly Lesson Review Coloring Page
- Link to The Friend Magazine for a Coloring Page
- And More!!!
**With the lesson time only 20 minutes, choose what works best for you and your class! We have provided a few different ideas, but you will only need to choose one or maybe two of them!**
On January 11th, our webhost is doing a routine maintenance for their email servers. No emails will be sent from 12:00pm-6:00pm MST. This will include emails that contain download links from our store. We highly suggest signing up for a free membership by clicking here if you haven't already. Make sure you are logged in before you order. Then after you've made your purchase click on "My Account" in the top toolbar. Then click on "My Orders." All of your recent purchases will be available to download immediately. No need to wait for an email!After the maintenance is over, we will be going in and sending each email manually as quickly as we can! Please purchase your lesson packets early this week so you can avoid this altogether! Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Please add [email protected] to your email contacts. You will receive 2 emails once you have finished your purchase. The first one will be a receipt, the second email will contain your download link. Please email [email protected] if you have any problems getting your link. (We are having issues with Comcast emails being undeliverable. If you have a Comcast email, please use a different email or follow the instructions below to make a free account to download instantly. You must be logged in BEFORE ordering to download instantly.)
THIS IS INCLUDED IN THE PRIMARY SUBSCRIPTION already - no need to purchase if you have a subscription. Save money and become a member! For only $6 each month, you will get access to ALL of our Primary lessons and ALL of our Home and Family packets! That's 12 lesson packets each month! Click here for more info.